All artwork images and scans are copyright protected by the artist.         2024 ©Suzanne Benton All Rights Reserved.

Esther II, steel and bronze brazed
12.5 x 10 x 9 inches

Amaterasu, bronze on steel
19.5 x 17 x 10 inches

Makonde Spirit, steel and bronze brazed
18 x 18.5 x 8 inches

Metal Masks

Masking has filled my life as an artist and allowed me to connect with people throughout the world.  Beyond my life as a studio artist, this work has enabled me to bring people into the world of masks where they share revealing stories that deepen our awareness of the humanity of  their lives and cultures. In so doing, I've found a remarkable way to bridge the ancient forms of mask making and storytelling with a contemporary concern for people's lives.

                                                                            Suzanne Benton

Lilith, copper coated steel and bronze brazed

17.5 x 14.75 x 13 inches